News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


ACATE Guarantor Fund provided access to nearly R$ 5 million in credit for 38 technology companies

Businesses in all regions of Santa Catarina benefited from financing Having access to credit can make a difference for companies still facing the economic impacts of the pandemic. Aware of this challenge, the Santa Catarina Technology Association (ACATE), through the ACATE…


Roberto Hirsch speaks to heirs and successors about transformational leadership 

The online forum promoted by GoNext corporate governance consultancy GoNext takes place on June 10th, with a focus on family businesses “Being a Transformational Leader” is the theme of the next GoNext Herdeiros & Successores, a forum to be promoted…

11º Múltipla Dança offers four free workshops with certification

Focused on dance as an experience producing knowledge and events, dedicated to promoting the creation and diffusion of contemporary dance, woven into the articulation between professional artists, guests, researchers and the public, the 11th Multiple Dance – International Festival of…

EARLY treatment, know which is the best!

The lack of knowledge of the Portuguese language has affected not only communication vehicles, but equally important sectors of Brazilian society, including the holders of the Executive Branch. Precoce comes from Latin, from the word præcox or in the plural, præcocis. It means…

Alfredo Wagner in Review – Diamond Jubilee – 1st edition launch

The launch of the 1st edition of Alfredo Wagner in Revista – Jubileu de Diamante was full of unplanned coincidences, of course. The magazine that celebrates 60 years of political emancipation of Alfredo Wagner had its first edition launched on…