News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


It is not the virus that forces you to stay at home … but the failure of Health in Brazil and in the World!

First of all, I want to register here my deepest respect and consideration for the heroes, many anonymous, who are Health professionals, in general, underpaid, with exhaustive scales, trying in every way to contain the proliferation of this virus . I wish these heroes the…

End of Lava Jato! Left noticed and celebrates …

Perhaps the news would not have repercussions in the press if it were not for the mocking reaction of The Intercept, a news agency of the Brazilian left, which spread it to all its contacts in email this Saturday, February…

2,500 people isolated due to the rains in Alfredo Wagner

Original Post in Portuguese News published by the news portal of NSC Total about the rains that occurred in Alfredo Wagner in the last days, that 2500 people in the Municipality are isolated due to the destruction of 14 bridges in…

Alfredo Wagner´s Diamond Jubilee Magazine

The Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper is honored and happy to present the “ Alfredo Wagner in Magazine – Diamond Jubilee 1961 – 2021 ” to be published in 4 editions this year. In 2011, celebrating the  Golden Jubilee of  emancipation of the  Municipality of…

Facts about Covid-19 that you should know:

Protect yourself and others, especially the most vulnerable. Help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) by following common prevention tips. know more You will not be able to create a vaccine against COVID-19 at home Developing the vaccine is…