News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


MPSC donates vehicles to the Secretary of State for Health and City Hall of Rancho Queimado

Thirteen vehicles from the fleet of the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina were donated this Tuesday. The Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MPSC) donated, this Tuesday (29/8), 13 vehicles to the State Department of Health (SES) and to the City…

MPF promotes seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the South Region in Florianópolis (SC) on September 14 and 15

Initiative by the Federal Attorney for Citizens’ Rights seeks dialogue with researchers, entities linked to the defense of human rights, MP, police and federal government The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) is going to hold the seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the…

Military Police of Santa Catarina is the best evaluated in the country with 74% approval

The survey interviewed 2,015 voters between April 13 and 16 Santa Catarina is the state where the Military Police has the highest approval among the population, with 74% of favorable mentions. Following, appear Ceará (71%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (67%). The…

Garbage: product for corruption in Santa Catarina

Justice in Santa Catarina did not imagine that digging through the garbage produced in the State would lead to one of the biggest operations against active and passive corruption, criminal organization and money laundering in the garbage collection and distribution…

Lawyer discusses gravity of censorship suffered by Jovem Pan

CENSORSHIP AND SILENCE The Superior Electoral Court, in line with what has already become a rule in the Federal Supreme Court, suspended the Constitution of the Republic, imposing undeniable censorship on the media, more specifically on the Jovem Pan Group,…