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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Psychologist Patricia Bezerra explains what the Link Theory is!

Unfortunately, violence occurs against women, children, the elderly and animals in the same family. By science, it is, in more far-fetched words: “The relationship between violence against animals and interpersonal violence is called Link Theory, which is characterized by studies…

Kiss Nightclub: Know the difference between eventual intent and conscious guilt

Expert explains differences that could seal the fate of those accused of the tragedy that left 242 dead On December 1st, the news will focus on the judgment of the Club Kiss case, a fire that left 242 dead in…

Justice sets a 48-hour period for UOL to deny fake news about Luciano Hang

Documents from the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic supported the new decision of the TJ-SC in favor of the businessman The judge, Maria do Rocio Luz Santa Ritta, of the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina,…

Justice determines that Youtube reactivates Luciano Hang’s video

Video with more than 2.5 million views was taken off the air by the platform, without any justification The judge of law Gilberto Gomes de Oliveira Junior, of the Civil Court of the District of Brusque (SC), determined this Thursday…

New entry form for STF ministers is proposed by Deputy Peninha

Deputy Peninha defends public tender for STF ministers again –  According to the deputy, the moment is opportune to discuss changes in the way of appointing positions The decisions of the Supreme Federal Court highlighted the Legislative Power and may change…