News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


A dream can turn into a nightmare

An organized wardrobe can bring a good moment of rest Fashion is constantly changing and dressing well has always been synonymous with good taste. And who doesn’t want exclusive pieces with good quality fabrics? However, what is a dream can turn into…

How companies and managers should organize themselves to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the year 

The little time left for the arrival of 2024 pushes everyone involved to leave their comfort zone, committing to the implementation of fast and efficient strategies The ability to effectively involve planning and executing strategies becomes critical to achieving long-term…

Can you imagine spending 40 hours talking on the phone?

Below, see cases talking about the telephone calls that marked the era both due to the time and the distance in which they were made Do you remember the last time you “dialed” someone? Or when was the last time you…

Deputy Jorge Goetten reports on a project that provides for tax rebates for new companies

Proposal presents discounts until companies complete three years of activity The Commission for Industry, Commerce and Services of the Chamber of Deputies approved this week a project that establishes discounts in the Simples Nacional rates in the case of micro…

Breaking barriers: how women are changing the profile of leadership in Brazil

With prominence in agribusiness, women protagonism is gaining ground in leadership positions and companies play a fundamental role in this change In recent years, it has become increasingly common to see women assuming leadership positions in Brazil. This scenario is the…