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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Influencer who helped Marcos Oliveira reveals revenue of R$400,000 per month

The revelation happened during an interview with Martina Oliveira, known as Beiçola da Privacy, on the program “Varanda Gourmet” São Paulo, September 2024 –  Martina Oliveira, known as Beiçola da Privacy, is making a lot of money producing adult content. After…

Poet André Luiz Pinto is interviewed in Conversation with the Author

MEC Radio program will air this Sunday (9/8), at 12:30 pm The Conversa com o Autor program   that  Rádio MEC  will air this Sunday (8), at 12:30 pm, presents an unprecedented chat with the poet André Luiz Pinto. In the interview, the guest talks…

DOLLAR above R$ 5.60 – Selic will increase?

“If Copom does not increase the rate, inflationary pressure could intensify due to the devaluation of the real and the increase in the prices of imported products.” “Given the current scenario of a recurrent increase in the dollar, it is…

How many vacation days should an entrepreneur take?

Marcus Marques, a specialist in business management, discusses the balance between work and the well-being of partners and directors The pursuit of business success is one of the main goals of entrepreneurs. However, many forget about a very important component…

Starlink gives in to pressure from the Supreme Court and blocks X in Brazil

Starlink, a company known for providing satellite internet and led by billionaire Elon Musk, has backed down and decided to comply with the Supreme Federal Court’s (STF) order to block X, formerly Twitter, in Brazil. The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)…