News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


International Women’s Day: Today is the day to remember!

By Débora Loureiro Today is International Women’s Day. Day to remember our own history and those that brought us here. Day to rescue in memory (or research) the paths of famous women (or not) who fought and conquered space that was previously…

Opportunities fair aims to connect female talent with the tech sector

The initiative is part of the #SouMulherACATE agenda, a series of events with the purpose of boosting the role of women in the area of ​​innovation In the week of International Women’s Day, an opportunity fair promises to connect 10…

Ambipar announces the signing of the partnership agreement with BP Carbon Trading Limited British Petroleum

Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA informs its shareholders and the market in general that Biofílica Ambipar Environmental SA, a group company, has signed a Partnership Agreement with the company BP Carbon Trading Limited (“British Petroleum”) with the objective of forming…

Change is necessary, but you have to have courage!

Instruction manual for a more courageous life Launched by DVS Editora, businesswoman Carol Manciola leads the reader to an internal dialogue about how change is worthwhile Life would be easier if it came with an instruction manual on the right…

Different purposes can become just one, without losing their essence, within corporations

More than just a plan, your purpose is the reason you get up every day. by Fabia Gobira* The word “purpose” is very much in vogue these days. Searching in dictionaries, there are references to the “intention to do something, project,…