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Alfredo Wagners News Online


5 Truths about German Immigration in Alfredo Wagner + 1 Bonus

When I found out that Alfredo Wagner was not a destination for German Immigration, I was very surprised! The publication made in Alfredo Wagner in Revista – Jubileu de Diamante 1961/2021 on page 6 is not a writer’s bravado, but the result of research based…

Deputy Jerry participates with Governor Moisés in a meeting organized by the Mayor of Laurentino

Deputy Jerry Comper participated this Saturday (5th) in Laurentino with Governor Carlos Moisés in a meeting organized by Mayor Marcelo Rocha with mayors and vice-mayors of his electoral base. The leaders expressed gratitude for the support of the State Government, which…

Money forgotten in banks total 8 billion; see how to rescue

Individuals and legal entities can consult forgotten amounts in banks and other entities of the financial system using the new functionality of the Central Bank, called “Amounts Receivable”. Money is returned within 12 business days (FOLHAPRESS) – The Central Bank released…

Votorantim Cimentos seeks professionals to work in Santa Catarina

Company launches Talent Bank for future job vacancies at its factory in Vidal Ramos, located in the interior of the State Votorantim Cimentos, a construction materials and sustainable solutions company, launches a Talent Bank to register technical and university professionals…

Drought and high temperatures in southern Brazil reduce estimated soybean production to 134.2 million tons

Main producing regions, to be covered by the Rally da Safra, present different scenarios, with good expectations for Mato Grosso, Goiás, North of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and MAPITO-BA – while the South of Mato Grosso do Sul,…