News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Is the pandemic a lie? What is your opinion?

The world is inhabited by 3 types of people! Yes, it is clear that there are nuances between the three types, but we will limit ourselves to analyzing the three most active. The first type is the one who panics…

“This is crazy!” says Bolsonaro and promises to regulate this situation!

Original post in Portuguese “What do you do every 15 days?” Asked President Bolsonaro in live, where he cited the value of federal taxes levied on gasoline, diesel and LPG (cooking gas) and criticized the way the ICMS is currently fixed,…

TRF 4 determines that city hall should provide decent conditions for the hosting of indigenous people in Florianópolis

MPF maintained that Tisac, the temporary crossing point for the indigenous people, should have decent conditions immediately for at least the six families that are already in the place The municipality of Florianópolis will have to immediately provide dignified conditions…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science: meet three generations of SC researchers

Original Post in Portuguese When it comes to science, laboratories, experiments in the most different areas, the first image that comes to mind is rarely that of a woman. And this is no accident. Less than 30% of researchers in the world…

Mining in SC: Peninha debates alternatives for the sector with President Bolsonaro

Original Post in Portuguese Eduarda Molossi – Press Officer Parliamentary Mining Front debates alternatives for the mining sector with President BolsonaroDeputy Peninha attended the hearing “Mining can be one of the sectors that will leverage the economy of Brazil,” said…