News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Gold in cachaça… very Brazilian idea!

Much appreciated in international luxury gastronomy, gold is used in the manufacture of Brazilian cachaça Leandro Dias had the idea to create a cachaça with gold flakes in 2012, when he had contact with alcoholic drinks produced with pure gold…

Brazil drift?

Original post in Portuguese The President of the Supreme Federal Court considered that the election of Arthur Lira “even at the international level does not represent the best scenario for Brazil“. His statement was printed on the cover of Estadão. As…

Lava Jato joins the Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime in Paraná

Original article in Portuguese In nearly seven years, the operation uncovered the country’s corruption and changed society’s perception of white collar crimes Since February 1, Lava Jato in Paraná has joined the Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (Gaeco)…

Conversation at the church door…

Original post in Portuguese After a blessed Mass, some parishioners exchange ideas on leaving the Church. There were 4 people, two without masks, one with the mask down and one with the mask on normally. The theme could not be different,…

Interview with Alfredo Wagner´s Mayor Gilmar Sani and Vice Jaison Werlich

Original post in Portuguese Friday afternoon was the occasion for a good chat with Alfredo Wagner´s Mayor Gilmar Sani and Vice Mayor Jaison Werlich. At the end of the day, everything was quieter in the Town Hall and the Mayor…