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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Bolsonaro in SC defends Brazilian vaccine when delivering MOB-SUAS cars

Original post in Portuguese Well, friends, President Bolsonaro came to Santa Catarina for the sixth time and was very acclaimed by those around him. It came to deliver 225 cars from the Social Assistance Mobility Program (MOB-SUAS), this program aims…

Disinformation “cyber troop” also operates in Brazil, study points out

Original article in Portuguese Actions of “computational propaganda” and “industrialized disinformation” on political issues affected 81 countries – including Brazil – in 2020, according to research released in January this year by the University of Oxford. With fake news and messages…

iFood and Orgânico Solidário come together to donate food baskets to families in socially vulnerable situations

Original Post in Portuguese With the new partnership, the expectation is to distribute 2 thousand baskets monthly in 72 communities Mayara Baggio – NOVAPR São Paulo, February 2, 2020  – iFood, the leader in online food delivery in Latin America, has…

Data from Jair Bolsonaro, STF ministers and 200 million Brazilians are for sale on the internet

The dfndr lab , PSafe‘s security research laboratory, identified on Tuesday (19) a leak in a database that exposed the personal information of 220 million people – practically the entire population of Brazil. Authorities are among those affected. The data of the…

The Campo dos Padres (Field of the Fathers)

Original Post in Portuguese Rich in biological diversity and fantastic landscapes, Campo dos Padres is also full of stories, many of them touching the legend. The video made to support public consultations on the creation of the Campos do Padres National…