News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


FAO celebrates nutritional food diversity with five cookbooks

Photo: FAO / Pedro Costa Gomes Meal after meal. Day after day. It’s easy to get into the food routine and forget about the variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and other foods that exist, with all the different nutritional benefits they offer….

FECAM collegiate reinforces the agenda of economic development and innovation and delivers diagnostics to city halls

The Economic Development Collegiate of the Santa Catarina Federation of Municipalities (FECAM) will hold a virtual meeting this Thursday (28/1), from 10 am to 11 am, the first of the year with institutional participation by representatives of the state and…

Candidate for covid-19 vaccine is applied by nasal spray

Health Newsroom Writing Spray covid-19 vaccine Researchers at the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom) have developed a new prototype vaccine against covid-19 that has an important novelty: It can be administered through the nose. The researchers administered two doses of…

Preliminary study indicates that triple viral vaccine halves the risk of having symptomatic Covid-19

Maurício Frighetto – Press Office Foundation for the Support of Research and Innovation of the State of SC – Fapesc Volunteers vaccinated with the triple viral had a 54% chance of having Covid-19 symptoms, while the risk of being hospitalized dropped…

Companies reinvent themselves and define new relationship strategies with consumers during a pandemic period

Gabrieli Jaquiel, Markable Communications New relationship journey for consumers and brands may be the key to business success The pandemic has redefined routes and strategies for many companies. The digitization process finally left the paper and started to work for 99%…