News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Covid-19: Pharmacists and pharmacies will be strategic in vaccination

  Federal Pharmacy Council celebrates the National Pharmaceutical Day mobilized for pharmacies to be vaccinated On January 20, when vaccination against Covid-19 begins in Brazil in most states, the Federal Pharmacy Council (CFF) and the 230 thousand professionals in the…

Coronavac vaccine doses will be distributed in the 295 municipalities of SC

In Santa Catarina, 144,040 doses landed. In the first phase, 71,040 people will be immunized In a symbolic act that marked the beginning of the vaccination of COVID-19 in Santa Catarina and the announcement of the distribution of the vaccine…

Oppressor Review: Paulo Freire and the Pedagogy of Autonomy

Jenifer Castilho “When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to be oppressor.” This is one of Paulo Freire’s most famous phrases, people put it on Facebook status, on WhatsApp and even on Tinder. But what does she…