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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Local business portal is launched in Alfredo Wagner

On September 25th, the SeLiga Alfredo Wagner Local Business Portal was launched , an online platform that aims to make life easier for visitors and residents of the city, connecting them to a variety of local services and establishments. The launch event…

State Government launches “Live a state of joy” to promote tourism

With the aim of awakening the public’s desire to get to know the state, the State Government, through the State Secretariat for Tourism, launched the new Santa Catarina tourist brand ABAV Expo 2023, one of the biggest tourism events in…

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical, mental and behavioral harm to the fetus

Among the disorders related to alcohol use, the most serious of them is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), whose clinical characteristics are: prenatal and/or postnatal growth retardation, facial dysmorphology, central nervous system dysfunction, among others. The prevalence of alcohol intake during…

Wine from an inhospitable region of Italy arrives in Brazil

Inserrata is a reference for lovers of exclusive wines, with labels that go beyond flavor, presenting a modern, avant-garde and empowering visual identity From a small village in Tuscany, Italy, Gabriele Dolfi, founder of Inserrata, brought to the world of…

Alfredo Wagner´s City Hall invites to the inauguration of the new bridge

Posted on 09/20/2023 AuthorPress Office  Comment(0) In a special invitation to all residents, Alfredo Wagner City Hall announced an invitation to the inauguration of the new bridge that will provide access to the future city hall building and the community of Santa Bárbara….