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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Neither Lula nor Bolsonaro – next elections will win Abstention and white and null votes!

If the two candidates do not change the language, but stay in mutual and tiresome harangues, abstention, blanks and nulls will be the big winners in the next elections. Politicians have already noticed this increase, but they are not able…

Clean energy is not that clean

The Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper transcribes Raphael Monteiro’s article about the false advertising involved with the propagated clean energy. The author proves that it is not that clean and could be a big problem in the near future. Raphael Monteiro…

Left Media celebrates: Lula is the man!

Lula has been reaping the profits of an interview given to Reinaldo Azevedo, his staunch enemy, but who can now be side by side with the PT leader. The left-wing groups celebrate! Interview conducted exactly to what the people should…

Covid-19 kit, does it work or doesn’t it?

The controversial early treatment/vaccination is being transformed into a real psychosis, similar to what happened centuries ago, when vaccination started to be used for the treatment of aggressive viruses. How to evaluate, in fact, the effectiveness of the two treatments?…

Shielding the Senator…

It took few hours, but the stir caused by the disclosure that Bolsonaro’s son was acquiring a mansion of R $ 6 million had an official explanation. The first son sold property in Rio de Janeiro to pay part of the amount,…