News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Conversation at the church door…

Original post in Portuguese After a blessed Mass, some parishioners exchange ideas on leaving the Church. There were 4 people, two without masks, one with the mask down and one with the mask on normally. The theme could not be different,…

Bolsonaro returns to Santa Catarina

It’s a promise for next week! We are on Wednesday, January 27th. In general, a President does not tell the media when he is going to a place so early! The state that voted most for Bolsonaro may also be…

Companies reinvent themselves and define new relationship strategies with consumers during a pandemic period

Gabrieli Jaquiel, Markable Communications New relationship journey for consumers and brands may be the key to business success The pandemic has redefined routes and strategies for many companies. The digitization process finally left the paper and started to work for 99%…

There is no use crying over spilled milk!

The chaos that was installed in Health in Manaus is an omen of what could happen in the rest of Brazil! Add to that a possible war between States, Municipalities and the Union for the few doses of vaccine available….

Military Coup at the 1964 Coup festivity?

Last year we often heard the possibility of a military coup from various sources. The pandemic produced a lockdown on the idea and we spent the year at ease. The possibility of vaccination, the return to normality and the increase…