News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Political analysis

Who cares about the spiral of hate?

Brutal, terrorist, inhumane, bestial, horrendous and all other adjectives are insufficient to qualify the attack on the Israeli civilian population Who cares about the spiral of hate? Brutal, terrorist, inhumane, bestial, horrendous and all other adjectives are insufficient to qualify…

Monarchy: left or right?

Monarchical movements popped up in Brazil after 2018 with the opening of groups in several states and cities. The sudden increase in monarchists brought a problem: the lack of knowledge of the younger majority who are unaware of the history…

Debate on necessary changes in tax reform brought together businessmen and authorities in Joinville

With the main objective of clarifying with the machinery industries of Joinville the impacts of the tax reform in the sector and discussing the necessary changes in PEC 45/2019 before its approval in the Senate, José Velloso, executive president of…

PSDB rescues toucan symbol, rehabilitates Aécio and seeks a path ‘neither Lula nor Bolsonaro’

BRASÍLIA, DF (FOLHAPRESS) – The PSDB held a seminar this Thursday (24th) in Brasília to present the party’s new guidelines after the defeat in last year’s elections and said it was following a path that did not represent either Jair…

Bill of Fake News, Morals and Law

Jesus was silent when Pilate questioned him about what the “Truth” was. Accustomed as he was to spreading and creating fake news, the Roman Governor found himself facing Someone who never lied. He was troubled by his thought before the Truth and…