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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Political analysis

Three cries in 10 days: Bolsonaro, Neymar and Lula

5-6 minutes It is becoming common for men to cry in public. Public figures, especially men, but also women, used to maintain an appearance of superiority in the face of suffering or joy. The situation changed in December 2022: men cry…

Lawyer discusses gravity of censorship suffered by Jovem Pan

CENSORSHIP AND SILENCE The Superior Electoral Court, in line with what has already become a rule in the Federal Supreme Court, suspended the Constitution of the Republic, imposing undeniable censorship on the media, more specifically on the Jovem Pan Group,…

First debate between presidential candidates in the second round moves the conversation about elections and generates more than 3.5 million Tweets

The first debate of the second round of the presidential election, held on the night of October 16 by Band, CNN, UOL, Folha de S.Paulo and TV Cultura, moved the conversation on Twitter. The event was the first time that candidates…

Gilmar Sani and Mayors of Greater Florianópolis declare support for Jorginho Mello during a meeting with the candidate

In a meeting organized by the mayors Topázio Neto, from Florianópolis, and by Orvino Coelho, from São José, on Monday (10/10), the candidate for the government of the state of Santa Catarina by the PL, Jorginho Mello, heard messages of…

What are the post-election prospects?

By Francisco Gomes Júnior – President of ADDP (Association for the Defense of Personal and Consumer Data) and author of the book Justiça Sem Limites. Lula’s second government was at an end, and even with the earlier discovery of the…