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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Political analysis

Debate between brazilian presidential candidates has “Corruption” as the most talked about topic on Twitter

The debate between presidential candidates, held on September 24 (Saturday) in the early evening by CNN, SBT, Estadão/Rádio Eldorado, Veja, Terra and radio NovaBrasilFM, moved the conversation on Twitter. The candidates (in alphabetical order) were present at the event: Ciro Gomes…

Lula has less impact on the networks during JN, but is seen more positively than Bolsonaro

The survey was carried out by the company Vox Radar, specialized in data analysis from social networks, commissioned by the corporate communication startup O Pauteiro During the interview carried out on Thursday night (25), in Jornal Nacional, former president Lula…

Elections 2022: Bolsonaro wins in the Northeast and Lula in the South and Southeast, but abstentions will win throughout Brazil

The 2022 brazilian Elections will leave a surprising result that no political analyst is predicting. This lack of foresight is due to the bipolarity of an artificial pre-electoral environment, driven so that only two candidates stand out. Political parties are little…

Deputy Jerry participates with Governor Moisés in a meeting organized by the Mayor of Laurentino

Deputy Jerry Comper participated this Saturday (5th) in Laurentino with Governor Carlos Moisés in a meeting organized by Mayor Marcelo Rocha with mayors and vice-mayors of his electoral base. The leaders expressed gratitude for the support of the State Government, which…

Will Sérgio Moro be the candidate for the Third Way, a Brazilian Kerensky?

The Third Way is usually, in politics, an alternative for two worn and unpopular paths, but always leading to the left. Although polls indicate Lula as a possible winner in 2022, I have been following repercussions from former Lula voters…