News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Brazil celebrates for the first time the National Day of the Rosary of Men

Procession to the convent of Nossa Senhora da Penha, in Vitória (ES), at the Capixaba meeting of the Terço dos Homens By  Natalia Zimbrão The National Day of the Men’s Rosary will be celebrated for the first time in Brazil next…

Catholic priests seek to strengthen communion in the Three Borders

The meeting of Catholic priests was held in Foz de Iguaçú. Religious leaders from Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina met in Foz de Iguaçú to strengthen Catholic communion in the Triple Border region. It is an effort to integrate the pastoral work…

A movie to watch on the day of Our Lady Aparecida!

With the classic “O Milagre das Águas”, the Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper invites you to pray on this day dedicated to the Patroness of Brazil. The film directed by  Fr. Ronoaldo Pelaquin, tells the story of  Nossa Senhora Aparecida through the story between a paraplegic…

Conversation at the church door…

Original post in Portuguese After a blessed Mass, some parishioners exchange ideas on leaving the Church. There were 4 people, two without masks, one with the mask down and one with the mask on normally. The theme could not be different,…

Cacau Menezes honors Santa Paulina and Angelina

On Tuesday, January 26th of this hopeful 2021, Cacau Menezes paid a beautiful tribute to Santa Paulina in his column at showing a very Brazilian side, where faith often overcomes all prejudices and returns to the highest values. Santa Paulina…