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Santa Catarina has a 63.2% jump in the number of technology companies in five years, the highest growth in the country

In the same period, Brazilian expansion was 26.1%; data are from the Tech Report 2021, released by the Associação Catarinense de Tecnologia (ACATE) and Neoway Despite being one of the most challenging years in recent decades, 2020 was also marked…

Catalog sheets of relevant species for meliponiculture

ABELHA, in partnership with the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), makes available on its website catalog files of 15 species of stingless bees relevant to Brazilian meliponiculture. The sheets of the other 45 species will be made available…

A night to keep in the memory and in the heart

Alfredians gathered at Praça da Bandeira Photo credits and text: ASCOM This is how the opening of Alfredo Wagner’s Enchanted Christmas can be defined, which took place on the night of Friday, 10. The Christmas magic influenced the population, which…

Lula’s tour of Europe cost R$312,000 to public treasury

Data from the Special Secretariat for Administration of the Presidency of the Republic show expenses with daily rates, tickets and insurance. The trips of former president Lula (PT) to European countries, in November this year, cost the public coffers BRL 312,000 in…

Santa Catarina representatives win first, second and third places in the national Science, Technology and Innovation award categories

Santa Catarina was one of the highlights of the 1st Confap Science, Technology & Innovation Award – Professor Francisco Romeu Landi. The State won first place in the Professional Communication category with Eonir Teresinha Malgaresi, journalist at Epagri; second place in…