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Cisco, ACATE and Teltec Solutions Announce Partnership to Promote and Develop Smart Cities and Spaces

The first initiative is the creation of a living innovation laboratory, Primavera Smart Space, which will bring together innovative technologies for smart spaces and cities. Cisco’s sponsorship also includes actions such as promoting events, training and meetings on the topic…

Mental health care in home care is essential for the patient’s recovery

Awareness of the topic is important to prevent depression Anyone who thinks that mental health care is still “for a few” is wrong. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Yet each year,…

Fapesc selects applied research project for software development for SC firefighters

Santa Catarina’s Science, Technology and Innovation Institutions can now enter their proposals in the notice 45/2021 of the Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State of Santa Catarina (Fapesc), which supports applied research for the development of management, control…

Isabela teaches how to properly fry sweets

Learn how to make Dream and Rain Cake and put the tips into practice Everything that is fried tastes better! Do you agree? For some people, frying brings more flavor to food and, in fact, some fried dishes may taste better compared…

Retail fraud: how to prevent scam attempts

The number of fraudulent attacks against Brazilians reached 1.9 million in the first half of 2021, which corresponds to an increase of 15.6% over the same period last year Retail was the sector that had the biggest growth in the…