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Alfredo Wagners News Online

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Chamber of Deputies and Senate elect their presidents – Bolsonaro was the great victor

Original Post in Portuguese The major newspapers in Brazil dedicate their headlines to the results of the elections in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. In the Chamber, Arthur Lira, a PP from Alagoas wins, and in the Senate, Rodrigo…

Data from Jair Bolsonaro, STF ministers and 200 million Brazilians are for sale on the internet

The dfndr lab , PSafe‘s security research laboratory, identified on Tuesday (19) a leak in a database that exposed the personal information of 220 million people – practically the entire population of Brazil. Authorities are among those affected. The data of the…

The Campo dos Padres (Field of the Fathers)

Original Post in Portuguese Rich in biological diversity and fantastic landscapes, Campo dos Padres is also full of stories, many of them touching the legend. The video made to support public consultations on the creation of the Campos do Padres National…

Santa Catarina will require traceability of milk to give more security to the consumer

By Sheila Rosa Original Post in Portuguese Santa Catarina takes another important step towards the eradication of brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis in the state. From now on, dairy products must control the traceability of milk and redouble the attention to animal…

2,500 people isolated due to the rains in Alfredo Wagner

Original Post in Portuguese News published by the news portal of NSC Total about the rains that occurred in Alfredo Wagner in the last days, that 2500 people in the Municipality are isolated due to the destruction of 14 bridges in…