News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Will Sérgio Moro be the candidate for the Third Way, a Brazilian Kerensky?

The Third Way is usually, in politics, an alternative for two worn and unpopular paths, but always leading to the left. Although polls indicate Lula as a possible winner in 2022, I have been following repercussions from former Lula voters…

Shielding the Senator…

It took few hours, but the stir caused by the disclosure that Bolsonaro’s son was acquiring a mansion of R $ 6 million had an official explanation. The first son sold property in Rio de Janeiro to pay part of the amount,…

Lula x Bolsonaro in 2022

The Brazilian political landscape is being formalized for next year when new presidential elections will take place. Everything indicates that Lula will face Bolsonaro for the post of the country’s next president. In the first round we will have some…

“This is crazy!” says Bolsonaro and promises to regulate this situation!

Original post in Portuguese “What do you do every 15 days?” Asked President Bolsonaro in live, where he cited the value of federal taxes levied on gasoline, diesel and LPG (cooking gas) and criticized the way the ICMS is currently fixed,…

Brazil drift?

Original post in Portuguese The President of the Supreme Federal Court considered that the election of Arthur Lira “even at the international level does not represent the best scenario for Brazil“. His statement was printed on the cover of Estadão. As…