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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc

Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc The actions to improve the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis were put on the agenda this week,…

Exclusive properties will be available for sale

The land and buildings are located in 17 cities in Santa Catarina Interested in acquiring well-located, exclusive properties with market value, they should be aware of the sale process that will be carried out by Celesc, on March 24 (Wednesday),…

New Data Center from Celesc ensures greater quality and reliability to the electrical system

Text Marcelle Fernandes | Heda Wenzel edition To guarantee the quality of the electricity services offered to 3.2 million consumer units in 264 municipalities in Santa Catarina, Celesc invests in infrastructure with the objective of maintaining an efficient and stable system. The new…