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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Lula has less impact on the networks during JN, but is seen more positively than Bolsonaro

The survey was carried out by the company Vox Radar, specialized in data analysis from social networks, commissioned by the corporate communication startup O Pauteiro During the interview carried out on Thursday night (25), in Jornal Nacional, former president Lula…

Lula’s tour of Europe cost R$312,000 to public treasury

Data from the Special Secretariat for Administration of the Presidency of the Republic show expenses with daily rates, tickets and insurance. The trips of former president Lula (PT) to European countries, in November this year, cost the public coffers BRL 312,000 in…

Will Sérgio Moro be the candidate for the Third Way, a Brazilian Kerensky?

The Third Way is usually, in politics, an alternative for two worn and unpopular paths, but always leading to the left. Although polls indicate Lula as a possible winner in 2022, I have been following repercussions from former Lula voters…

Left Media celebrates: Lula is the man!

Lula has been reaping the profits of an interview given to Reinaldo Azevedo, his staunch enemy, but who can now be side by side with the PT leader. The left-wing groups celebrate! Interview conducted exactly to what the people should…

On the wrong side… the annulment of Lula’s condemnations puts him in the running for the 2022 elections

Minister Edson Fachin, of the Supreme Federal Court, ordered the annulment of all convictions handed down against former President Lula by the 13th Federal Court of Federal Justice of Curitiba, responsible for Lava Jato. Reason: Wrong court… The Minister affirms…